Welcome To Eklavya Model Residential School Sahanpur--------Welcome To Eklavya Model Residential School Sahanpur-------- Welcome To Eklavya Model Residential School Sahanpur--------
Extra Curricular Activities

“The Extracurricular activity in which I was most engaged - debating- helped shape my interest in public policy,”

Co-curricular activities refer to all the activities performed by students to enhance their life skills. Wherein curricular activities comprise both academic and scholastic activities. We at EMRS Sahanpur Lndra believe that in moment’s largely competitive world, it is not only important to be academically on the top but a child should be on the top in co-curricular conditioning as well.

 Co-curricular activities play an important role in building the personality of the child, boost their confidence and also improve their social and organizational skills in all the fields of life

 Competitions at the school level are about more than just participation and earning awards. They may help students discover and nurture their innate skills. This is especially true at art competitions, where kids get a chance to showcase their creative and artistic ability. For youngsters and teenagers, this may be life-changing. Our school organizesinter house and inter school competitions in the school at regular intervals including activities such as quizzing, elocution, arts, dance, singing, debates, drama etc. Students are also encouraged to participate in competitions held in other schools. .


Elocution enhances the art of public speaking that gives students a self- boost of confidence to speak in front of a large audience. It helps and give students a good opportunity to combat with their biggest fear factor i.e. stage fear.


 Recitation activities help students to build confidence as they learn to speak more accurately and persuasively about any piece of writing. It is one of the most important and effective modes of learning a language and appreciating a piece of literature.


Art allow students to exhibit their inherent abilities in sketching and illustration, to showcase their visual narrative and show off their talent with painting and sketching. Art and Craft as a subject has also been added in the school curriculum and various inter-house competitions are organized annually in which children display high levels of talent.


 Children at EMRS Kalsi are encouraged to realize that marks are created in the classrooms but memories and personalities are created on the playing fields. It is here that children experience a myriad of emotions like euphoria, humility, defeat, resolute defiance of the score board to rise against all odds to be a winner.

 The school encourages its students to actively take up sports, indoor as well as outdoor, and provides them with the necessary infrastructure for badminton, volleyball, archery, athletics, cricket, chess, gymnastics, Kabaddi, taekwondo,khokho,Football.

 Inter House matches are conducted in the school on a regular basis. Children have excelled in the various sports and made their mark in National level tournaments also.


 Morning is the perfect time to revive the learning, take in inspiration and begin your day with positivity. Morning assembly is an integral part of the school’s schedule.

 The first activity that kick starts the day in the academic block is Morning Assembly.